Sword of the Atom TPB:
A book you should own
By Avi Green
Note: This is something I originally wrote back in 2007, and now, as
I try to add some more to this fansite after having been away from
trying for a while, I'm making sure to add it here as well, partly
due to the respect I have for the Atom (and even Aquaman, if it
matters), and because I feel this is important for setting records
straight about past history. I hope you'll all enjoy it.
Now, here's a special review that I thought ideal and important to
write, of the trade paperback compilation of Sword of the Atom,
collecting the 4-part miniseries and three specials from the
mid-1980s, that provided character development for Ray Palmer and
Jean Loring, mainly because this way, people can get to know the
story of what really happened when they split up at the time, and to
understand how Identity Crisis contradicted it! And so, here begins
my take on the miniseries collection, which'll have a couple of
categories for various details.
How did I manage to buy it?
First, I'll tell how I managed to buy a copy. Of course it wasn't
easy, as even I realized was possible, to find it, because while the
two stores in Tel Aviv from which I've often bought books from
usually do get their products at about the same time they premiere
in the United States, there's still some items at times that may not
arrive on time, or aren't featured as prominently as others are.
Fortunately, as I discovered during a trip to Eilat, during which
time I was able to consult an internet screen, one of them, which is
called Comics and Vegetables, most
definitely was selling it, and had it listed on their site in
English. (It wasn't easy to spot at first, as I couldn't figure out
right away which page they had these things listed on. But I
eventually was able to see.)
I got it during the Tel Aviv Cinematheque's Sci-Fi Festival on
September 30, 2007. I didn't actually get it at the festival
location itself, but rather, at the main store of one of the comic
book merchants who was attending the festival that week. I first
looked at the stand they had at the festival to see if they had any
copies there, but they didn't. So, I walked several blocks over to
where they were located, not far from Dizengoff Street, and upon
entering, I looked at the shelves where they kept a lot of the DC
paperbacks, and there it was, they had a copy! I took it up almost
instantly, then turned to look at some shelves that held used items
for awhile, then, I went to the clerk to buy the item. I returned to
the Sci-Fi Festival for a little while more, and then I went to a
resturant to buy something to eat before returning home again. And
now, I've got an authentic copy of one of the most important
publications of the 1980s.
(By contrast, you know what may be harder to get? The two trades
Dark Horse put out four years ago of Xenozoic Tales. I'd like to get those, but it'll
be exceedingly difficult, since that was already 4 years ago that
they went to press, when the two stores I speak of were just getting
started, and I have no idea if they'll have any copies available
now. But I won't lose hope.)
An amazing development during the
If you look at the time of 1983-84, DC Comics had quite a few
notable stories published at the time. The Terra story in The New Teen Titans, the
teaming of Batman and the
Outsiders, Amethyst:
Princess of Gemworld, Swamp
Thing discovering he was never really Alec Holland but
rather, a mass of plant fibre given life when the scientist dove
into the bayou and the next step in sentient life, Infinity Inc, and also, this
gem I'm writing about right now.
Have spent at least a week reading it, I want to say that this is a
most remarkably well-written book, by a writer who may not be that
big a name, Jan
Strnad. The name, BTW, is very eastern European, and looking
at the list of his works on the GCD, I assume that he may be a
native of those parts too. His resume runs from about the late 1970s
to the late 1990s and it does have some interesting stuff on it,
including of course, this little gem right here.
The story begins as Ray Palmer, sitting at home in his suburban home
in Ivy Town one night, is wondering where Jean Loring Palmer, his
then wife, happened to be at the time; she was late in arriving
home. Then, he spots a pair of headlights from a car turning off,
and heads down the driveway to see what's going on. Approaching the
car that's driven up to their house, he discovers, much to his
dismay, Jean making love to the man driving it. He exclaims in
shock, and then storms back to the house in anguish. Jean, shocked
when she realizes that the affair between her and Paul Hoben, the
lawyer who'd come to work at her law firm, has now been discovered,
goes after Ray to try and plead her case. I think I'm going to
record here some of the following dialogue between Jean and Paul
Jean: Oh God, it's Ray! Let
me go! He's seen us! I knew this would happen! It's over Paul!
Forget it ever happened (angry look on face)!
Paul: Over...? But it's only just begun (in thought)! Jean, don't
go! I...
Jean: (in thought as she heads for the house) Ray...must speak to
Now what does this imply? That PAUL was the one who'd led her into
the affair, NOT Jean! So I don't know where all these new-age
thinkers who seem to want to believe what the new material presented
in books like Identity Crisis get off.
As I said above, Jean heads inside to plead that it's not what he
thinks, but he's not impressed. That's when Jean stands up and tells
him that he's been neglecting her with the following:
"Well what did you expect?
How much time have you made for me lately? When we are together
all you can talk about are atomic constants and...all that other
stuff you carry on about! And when I closed the Gifford case and
we had a nice bit of cash to spend...and I wanted to buy a little
cabin in the woods somewhere...what did you did do with the
In the following page which I'd once stored in the blog database,
Ray answers:

As Jean continues to point out, while his science career is what's
mainly posing a problem, his superheroic career is also a problem.
But also, there's the fact that he swiped money that she'd gathered
together from one of her cases as a lawyer that she'd wanted to
allocate for buying a vacation cabin (probably even a place where
they could bear a child together!) and used it to buy an expensive
scintillation detector instead.
Ray tells her that perhaps they need to spend some time away from
each other, and says that he'll be taking a special trip to South
America (Brazil), on a project where he'd be looking for the remains
of another white-dwarf star that may have landed in the jungle.
Jean, who's now lying on the bed, doesn't answer, but as seen in the
page that follows, she's now in tears.
New costume design,taken from a
torn one
Ray's now headed off to Manaus, Brazil, where he's hired two pilots
to fly him over the jungle as he searches for the white dwarf star
remnants, using the scintillation device to track things (which does
suggest that he wasn't being entirely honest with Jean about his
intentions for it). Unbeknownst to Ray but beknownst to us, these
two pilots are cocaine dealers growing an illegal drug harvesting
field in the area where Ray wishes to scout, and they decide that if
he tries to get them to go too far, they'll blast him away. So, when
they get near there and Ray insists on continuing despite the
increasing rain developing, one of them comes up from behind and
bashes him over the head with a pistol. Coming to his senses before
the thug can do anything worse, Ray switches to his Atom form while
the thug's attention is half-turned away, and strikes him back. But
this causes the pistol to go off and shoot the other thug piloting
the plane, and it quickly takes a nose dive, with Ray all but being
blown out of the plane and hanging onto the side in a way that
doesn't enable him to adjust his size-and-weight controls properly.
A lightning bolt strikes the plane and stuns him, knocking him off
into a lake as the plane crashes nearby. When he swims ashore, he
finds that his controls have short-circuited, leaving him stuck at
six inches high, and in danger of an encroaching snake. Suddenly,
the snake is shot by [poisoned] arrows, and he turns to face a most
unusual procession: a bunch of tiny yellow-skinned aliens who ride
on specially trained frogs, and are leading someone who happens to
be a rebel back to their little city in another part of the jungle.
Ray decides to go with them willingly to learn more.
If anyone's curious to know how Ray got that different looking
costume design, that's because the cowl part got ripped while he and
the rest of the plane were crashing, and he pretty much kept it that
way from then on. He wore his costume that way for about eight years
before switching back to the cowled look in 1992.
A city at war with itself
Ray, while briefly imprisoned in the city, gets to learn more about
the language of the alien race. Though not told immediately at the
time, they were from the planet Katartha. The name of the city is
Morlaidh, and some of the main characters here include the leader
Caellich, his advisor Deraegis, the rebel Taren, and of course, the
princess Laethwen, who was forced to go along with the procession
that captured the rebel leader when Atom first met them.
As Laethwen explains to Atom after they've fled the city (which he
describes as "an odd mix of
technology and -- pardon my saying it -- barbarism.") but
not before Taren's been blinded prior to an attempt to force a duel
between him and Atom, the Katarthans who make up the this little
jungle population were descended from exiles - political
undesirables - from their planet. Their full grip on technology, if
not machinery, downgraded with each passing generation, during which
time they all but "devolved". This vaguely reminds of the premise of
Mark Schultz's Xenozoic Tales,
where, in the 25th century, while machinery is available, technology
is limited.
Many people in the city are angry at Laethwen's father, whom they
accuse of ruling like a tyrant, which has turned even her against
him. What even she doesn't know is that it's Deraegis who's been
manipulating things behind the scenes, doing whatever he can to
frame Caellich for trying to suppress the people of Morlaidh so that
he can then reap the benefits of a revolt.
Meanwhile, back in Ivy Town, Jean's already been told the sad news
that Ray's been assumed dead, as the police in Brazil have found the
ring she once gave him among the plane wreckage, even though it was
really one of the thugs who'd taken it off his hand. After awhile
though, she begins to wonder if Ray was really downed, and wonders
if he's deliberately trying to hide, she decides to take a trip to
Brazil to see if she can find him herself.
Going back to the jungle now, Taren's committed suicide because he
does not want to be a potential burden on the rebel group in the
jungle now that he's blind. And this is where the love affair
between Atom and Laethwen slowly begins.
They make their
way back to Morlaidh to raid the city. Caellich has begun to figure
out Deraegis's treachery and how he's been turning the people of the
city against him, though people have begun to figure out the
advisor's own role as well. Caellich orders the traitorous advisor
to be taken away and slain, but Deraegis is too near and mortally
stabs him. Laethwen and Atom make their way into the palace quarters
through a secret entrance, and Caellich is able to see his daughter
one last time before his demise, urging them to stop Deraegis, who's
now gone to activate an unstable machine that once powered the
community, that could possibly destroy them all if not stopped. They
head for the spot, where Voss, one of the leading rebels, puts
Deraegis to death for his crimes with an arrow, but the machine has
already been activated. Ray takes on the task of trying to deal with
it, and since it's powered by white dwarf star energy, it
reactivates his size-weight control belt, enabling him to grow to
normal size again. He's gone a bit insane from the radiation it
produces, and yells at everyone to clear out or he'll really destroy
things if that's what it takes to get them to clear away before it
blows up. So, Laethwen and company flee as the Atom, in his
semi-madness, does some wrecking, and then runs himself just in time
as the machine blows to smithereens. He wanders through the jungle
half-naked before collapsing at a river bank where he's found by two
fishermen who take him to a local hospital in Manaus, where Jean
Loring later comes to meet him. But now, Ray is in love with
Laethwen, and vows to return to find her.
This was a very good starting to the story that helped provide some
character development for the Atom and company in Ivy Town. And it
provides a very interesting backdrop with a jungle community that,
like him, is but a tiny entity that's had to learn to survive in the
depths of an otherwise dangerous place filled with all sorts of
jungle predators like lizards, ant armies, and serpents. In the next
part, the first of three specials, that's where some most
interesting developments continue to take place that would make
quite a landmark for many years to come.
Removing the mask while retiring
In the first of three specials, we discover that Ray Palmer and Jean
Loring have decided to break up and go their seperate ways, and Ray
has decided to do this by revealing his secret identity as the
Mighty Mite in a book that he'd co-write with Jean and would be
edited by another professor and pal of Ray's named Norman Brawler.
It's a book that, as we see, everybody in Ivy Town takes to reading,
including the people in the park, on the buses, a judge presiding
over one of Jean's cases, his court guard, some policemen, and even
Paul Hoben himself. And now, here's where I'll be going into what
Jean's got in her part of the story for starters.
Norman's book begins with Jean taking the time to read how he
narrated her end of the story. When he says that, "I have had some assocation with
lawyers, but seldom have I seen such mental acuity and dedication
matched with the obvious compassion Miss Loring feels for even the
humblest of her clients." To which Jean thinks in response,
"Yeesh! Next thing you know, he'll
be nominating me for sainthood!" And indeed, to confirm
what she's wondering, he next says, "Jean Loring combines the devotion of a saint with the
beauty of an angel." In response to that she thinks, "I knew it." But she sure does
like the description he offers of her as somthing like Helen of
After a little description of what life was like when she began her
law career and the Atom was helping her out on many cases, helping
find the real criminals to help clear the clients who'd been
wrongfully accused of the same, the narrative in this goes on to
"I didn't know it at the time, but even then the Atom
was coming between us. I refused to marry Ray until I'd
established my career...on my
"At last I gave in, and then he hit me with his big surprise: his
alter-ego as the Atom. I was shocked that he'd withheld this
secret from me, and at the same time...I saw all hope of our
sharing a normal life together fly right out the window.
"My worst fears were realized. He was always in danger, and often,
so was I. The difference was, he reveled in the danger, and I detested it.
"He became a slave to that costume. His every waking moment was
devoted to the study of size control. He'd pursued me and won, and
now he needed new
"I retaliated by immersing myself in the study of tax law,
attracting corporate clients, and expanding my practice. One day I
decided that I needed a partner...and
that's when Paul Hoben entered my life. He was a good attorney,
good-looking, too, and, most of all, attentive. All the women in the building fell in
love with him...
"...and I do mean all. He became my anchor in the topsy-turvy
world that constituted life with Ray. We had an affair. I should've felt guilty but I
didn't, and that bothered me more than anything else. The lack of
guilt made me realize how empty life with Ray had become, how
little we suited each other's needs.
"After a particular night of 'working late,' Paul drove me home.
The rain drummed on the roof of the car. I was lost in thought.
"It was time to make a decision. I didn't want to deceive Ray any
longer, but I didn't want to hurt him either. I couldn't stand the
thought of entering that big, empty house, of confronting Ray. We
stopped the car down the driveway, around the bend, out of sight.
"We kissed. Paul was warm
and strong.
"Ray caught us. He'd seen the headlights, came out to investigate.
My heart froze. I hadn't wanted it to end this way.
"He accused me of planning the whole affair, of deliberately
setting out to make a fool of him. Trying to explain was hopeless
I turned off to him...it was like hitting a switch. We ended up
shouting at each other. I was as
evil as he was. It was the most dreadful night of my
"Later, when he suggested a seperation...a research trip to the
Amazon...I pretended to go to be asleep. I let him make the
decision, and he chose to go."
So, what do we see here, from Jean's entry in The Atom's Farewell,
the name of the book that Norman Brawler helped them to put together
at the time? As you can see here, Jean practically admitted her
guilt, and that she'd had an affair. She didn't hide anything, and
she even risked her reputation as well. As she's shown wondering to
"So there, it's out. Now all
of Ivy Town knows how Jean Loring cheated on her husband. I wonder
how they're fixed for lawyers in Philadelphia?"
Now, is this a woman who, according to some of the claims given at
the time Identity Crisis had been published, cheated on her husband
out of pure spite, and even extorted him for all his patents? As
these details taken from SOTA
show, that's not so at all. Though not innocent, she was as honest
as she could possibly be when she contributed her side to The Atom's
Farewell, and risked her career's reputation in the process. How can
someone like that ever be called a spiteful creep?
We then go to Ray's part of the story, where he tells about how his
return to Ivy Town was traumatic, and how, as he discovered, he was
beginning to find his usage of the size-and-weight belt painful. And
of course, there's the fact that now, he was in love with Laethwen.
He and Jean go to the Overlook, their old college makeout point on a
hilltop parking lot, and talk things over. Ray argues about the fact
that they're in love with two different people, he with Laethwen,
she with Paul Hoben, and in the end, they decided to go in different
directions. Thus, he and Norman Brawler returned to the Amazon,
where, following a scuffle with some drug dealers who've set up a
new compound in the clearing where the old Morlaidh fortress had
once stood, Ray found the Katarthans waiting for him, and rejoined
them in the end.
The next special deals with how Jean accidentally got shrunk when a
moving man called in to clear away Ray's old labortory equipment
knocked against one of the machines, and how with Paul and Norman
she trips to the Amazon jungle to seek Ray and ask that he help
reverse the effects. There's an important point to be made here too:
that Ray more or less left his old life behind at the time,
including his lab machinery, which Jean and Paul could then do as
they wished with. In Jean's case, it was simple: she wanted to be
rid of it. So, as she told the movers she and Paul called in:
"That's the last of the stuff the university paid for.
It goes in the basement. As for the rest of it...junk it! Sell it for scrap! I don't
care what you do with it but get it out of my life!"
And that's when one of the movers...oops! Jean goes down to six
inches tall. So, off they go to Brazil to consult Ray about this,
for, as even he admits, he's responsible for not dismantling his
equipment properly before he left. Trouble starts, however, when a
rival gang of Katarthans controlled -- yes, controlled with special
brain implants -- by an evil warmonger named Torbul, attacks many
Katarthans reuturning to New Morlaidh to help rebuild the city, and
kidnaps the women, Laethwen included, to be used as breeders for a
new community of warmongers he'd like to raise. Jean too is among
those kidnapped as Torbul's little army of Skul-Riders -- fighters
who fly around on specially trained birds, fly by the travellers to
the Amazon and spot her, and see her as easy prey to kidnap. Taking
her back to their own fortress city, they throw the angry and
terrified Jean into a cell alongside Laethwen, who's already able to
understand English and calms Jean down. Laethwen notes that she
isn't so pleased that Jean's come to their world, and Jean assures
her that's it's not like she wanted to. They discuss their
differences for awhile, and certainly don't descend into the kind of
fighting they must've hoped would ensue.
Eventually, Ray and company are able to track them down, since Paul,
to whom Ray's given his size-and-weight belt, hitched a ride on one
of the Skul-Riders' birds and was able to cleverly conceal himself.
And, after a little battling, and Paul helping to turn things upside
down for the enemy, they're able to defeat Torbul and free all his
mind slaves. Jean and Paul then return to the US, and, to her
disappointment, Paul, now in possession of the size-belt, has been
overtaken by opportunisticness, and has all sorts of ideas of what
he'd like to do with the belt!
The last special here, drawn by Pat Broderick, which focuses on what
became of Torbul's city in the weeks after it was freed from his
tyranny, is what you might call a horror thriller story, as Atom and
Laethwen find themselves trapped in the Skul-Riders' city while
trying to study some of the inventions that Torbul left behind
before his demise. His second in command, Drogo, who now insists on
calling him Lord Drogo, has taken over as the head honcho now. While
he's not as bad as Torbul was, he's still a jerk, and his monarchic
rule is just plain disappointing to the townsfolk.
But it's when one of the laboratories that Torbul left behind, which
Ray was trying to study, blows up via booby traps Torbul
deliberately left there, that the problems really begin to start.
Sickness and death sweeps over the city, and many bodies end up
having to be buried. But little did anyone realize that this was
just the beginning, and that the bodies of those believed dead would
rise from the grave as flesh-eating zombies, who then turn against
the city and set it afire in a nightmare. Ray and Laethwen just
barely make it out of the city as it's consumed by chaos, more
death, and flames.
Later, they return to the city to find it totally destroyed by the
living-dead chaos. One could say this was Torbul's way of making a
departure, by awarding the city whose residents he had nothing but
contempt for with one last, very nasty gift. Atom and Laethwen spend
time on a hilltop where Ray writes diaries of the terrifying
experience before they return to New Morlaidh to tell others what
A well written development for the
Mighty Mite
Sword of the Atom, I want
you all to know, is by far one of the best books I've had the
pleasure of reading, and it's writing style is similar in some ways
to Alan Moore's. And, let's also point out that, as some of the
details I've gone to such pains to note here show, Identity Crisis
contradicted it. In SOTA,
this is some of what happens:
- Paul is the one who leads Jean into an affair, and while she
may not be innocent in this regard, she was reluctant on the
grounds that Ray might find out, which he did. And she certainly
didn't enter the affair out of spite and disloyalty.
- Ray isn't so innocent himself either, and he did swipe money
that Jean had earned in her own job to buy a device that could
be used for tracking white dwarf star materials.
- Ray co-wrote the book featured in here, The Atom's Farewell,
and Norman Brawler, the editor, accompanied him to Brazil when
he tried to relocate the Katarthan tribe. Meaning that, whatever
was implied at the time of Identity Crisis that he had been
"betrayed by his friends", that is simply not so. In SOTA, Ray
also told Norman before heading off into the jungle to give the
book a happy ending. And, Ray decided to reveal his secret
identity, making himself probably the very first Silver Age
superhero to do so, even before Crisis on Infinite Earths.
- Jean admitted her guilt in cheating on Ray in her part of the
book's narrative, even if meant jeopardizing her reputation as a
- Ray convinced Jean to go seek her own path and marry Paul if
she wished, while he would seek his own in turn with Laethwen.
- Ray left behind just about all of his laboratory equipment,
save the shrinking belt intially, having decided to retire to
the jungle with Laethwen, who he was now in love with.
- Jean did not want Ray's shrinking equipment, if anything, and
asked the movers to get rid of it all, before being accidentally
shrunk herself and had to trek to the jungle to seek Ray's help.
- Ray gave his belt, the last link he had to his old life at the
time, to Paul, to help rescue Jean and stop Torbul and his gang.
Which shows that any claim made that Ray ever gave it to Adam
Cray, the Suicide Squad
agent, is not true. Adam Cray stole it from the Hoben household
after government agent Amanda Waller, one of the leading
directors of the Suicide Squad, figured out where it was, and
stole the device to use himself. Paul must've been disappointed
while Jean must surely have been relieved and couldn't care less
if it were gone.
The artwork by the late, great Gil Kane, as well as that of Pat
Broderick, is simply magnificient. But also just as good, lest we
forget, is the script. It deals with the characters in the most
believable way possible for a story that involves science-fiction
elements. You feel for the folks, and you're able to understand them
too. They are all believable, and the writer shows a lot of respect
for them too. And all this helped to lead into the developments that
were made when Power of the Atom
was published. A very excellently prepared work of art. And there's
every sign here that DC wisely chose to leave the door open for Ray
and Jean one day reuniting again, even if it took years till it
The Katarthans' use of deadly force when dealing with crooks is very
well handled, and violence is depicted tastefully here, without
veering into the truly excessive or gratuitous.
If there's one thing this book lacks, which is a shame, it's an
introduction. But I can understand why - what has DC done to honor
this book lately? If it hadn't been for the awful things they did,
maybe even before Identity Crisis, it's possible that there would be
one included here, and that Alan Moore himself might've offered to
write one.
So why the animosity from anyone
who's got it?
This leads me to where I feel I have to take issue with some people
who, it seems, do not like it or don't respect what or how it was
done. When I first took a look several weeks ago, at the time the
TPB was coming out, to see what anyone whose works on the internet I
could find had to say about it, even if the reactions weren't truly
negative, there were some lines spoken that were misleading and even
cynical. But the worst discoveries I made were of two bloggers,
whose exact names will be withheld in fairness to protect the
guilty, undeserving as they are, who made some very nasty comments
about Jean Loring. What I will say about these two is that one of
them used a domain name, and the other had a screen name that
vaguely reminded me of a character name I may have seen in a Steven
Bochco TV production. And the first blogger was guilty of calling
Jean a "little witch", and implying that he dug Identity Crisis out
of pure sensationalism (in other words, he must've no doubt enjoyed
how Sue Dibny was raped in one-sided fashion too), and the other one
posted an ugly entry in which he cut the word balloon where Jean
yelled at the Skul-Rider guards who'd captured her in the second
SOTA special and pasted it over a picture of her as Eclipso. That
was so obscene, totally devoid of any true love for comics or even
the Atom alone, I did not want to read that blog anymore. The former
one may have once said that he wished Ray'd married Enrichetta
Negrini, but rest assured that, if Enrichetta were his paramour,
they'd turn against her too, and it wouldn't matter if she were
stereotypically written as an "Italian loudmouth", they would not
base their judgement on how she was written. Rather, they'd act as
if she were a "real" person, and blame on her that way. Did it ever
occur to them that, by acting as if it's the character's fault for
anything, they're actually insulting the people who went to such
pains to create them, including Gardner
Fox? How can people like what I allude to say they're
comics fans if they can't even lead a genuine critique of how the
protagonists are written by the scriptwriters in real life, and ask
for a better job to be done?
I cite the two examples above in order to point out how, if you ask
me, this kind of crass acceptance of the newer, more vulgar material
is exactly what's wrecking today's comic books, because no true love
is being poured in, not even by some of the consumers. And also
because people like that are basing their judgement on the new
material instead of the old. Apparently, the older, more respectably
written books are crud compared to the newer, more cynically and
juvenilely written ones in the minds of some of these crude little
internet trolls I allude to. They are, if you ask me, as much of a
problem as bad writers today, since they too can give any and all
surrounding the subject of comics a bad name and undermine the
industry just as much as the next bad writer to come our way.
And that's not all: there was even a third one who seemed to
ambiguously exaggerate Jean's being "insane" in SOTA, without even
pointing out that, if she is nuts in here, it's in a way that's
entirely plausible, namely, when she was captured by the
Skul-Riders. She was terrified and angry at how she was being
dragged into a cell where she'd be held until forced into becoming a
breeding machine for the ruthless leader of the Skul-Riders, and
after being thrown into the cell, she even thinks to herself about
how she's going insane from fright, until Laethwen calms her down
and they have a conversation during the time they're held captive.
And what next, are these vicious little trolls going to start saying
that Ray was too soft on Jean for cheating on him and say that he
should've beaten her and had her stoned to death? For heaven's sake,
where do they think they're living, Saudi Arabia or Indonesia?!? If
Ray did that, he wouldn't be a hero, and infidelity if you ask me is
far from the most serious crime on the face of the earth. Maybe they
should consider going and living in Jakarta if it turns out that
that's how they're going to think!
Mature, serious scripting
SOTA also represents a
couple of things that are sorely lacking in comics today: truly
grown-up writing that doesn't put style above substance. And it's
also very plausibly written for a stand-alone story, another thing
that's largely missing today, or that editorial edictions have
rendered almost impossible to do, certainly not plausibly. The DCU
today suffers from being bearhugged together in some of the worst
ways possible that don't allow for much independent storytelling, if
at all, and thus don't allow for real independent character
Another element here is the use of thought balloons, which started
slowly being replaced by character-based narrative in the mid-80s,
something Alan Moore too did at times when he was writing Swamp Thing. While I won't say
that character-based narration was a bad idea, I think it may have
seriously undermined a lot of secondary characters were written,
because it led in turn to situations where they became less
important than the star of the show.
One of the ways in which DC is exercising style over substance is
that they're concerning themselves with putting minority groups into
some comics, the All-New Atom included, even at the expense of the
white everypeople who were in the spotlight before them, namely by
forcibly disgracing the everypeople before doing so. This is
something that began during Zero Hour when Hal Jordan was turned
traitor, while Kyle Rayner may be an early example of a minority
group member put into a role first occupied by an everyman (as far
as I know, Kyle may be half-Asian or Caucasian). Trouble is, it's
all superficial, because the minority status seems to come before
quality writing. And another problem is that minorities are only
being featured according to what, in the view of the American
showbiz industry, seems to count as minorities - namely, blacks,
Latinos, Asians, and even non-racial minorities like gays and
lesbians. And the only time whites seem to count as minorities is
when they're Italian, Jewish and Greek. What, don't Armenians count?
Or even the Dutch-speaking Flemings and the French-speaking Walloons
of Belgium? How about Bulgarians, Estonians, the people of Celtic
descent in western Europe, and the people of Ainu descent in
northmost Japan? And if you want a non-racial minority, how about
Orthodox Christians and Confucian Buddhists? Don't they count too?
This is exactly what the internet can be used for, to search for
info on how and what all these kind of minorities are like, and to
think of a really good story that could be based around those
things, and not just the ideas that current industrialists are
thinking of. Incredibly, they're not even doing it, and I think that
too is seriously undermining comics writing.
And since I mentioned All-New Atom, I guess this is where I'd like
to take a moment to note how I think that too has the wrong approach
involved: for example, there the fact that writer Simone turns Ivy
Town into Time-Warp Town in its first few issues. Even if that's
been dropped by now, it was still pretty tacky IMO, because it ruins
the humanity of the city as seen in earlier books, SOTA included.
SOTA makes me appreciate Ivy Town as the simple little city it was
first written as when seeing how for example, Ray had buddies who
threw him a party, and how we see all the people of the city
engrossed by his and Jean's book as they read it everywhere across
town. That's one more reason why I decidedly will not be going
anywhere near the All-New Atom. Another reason why is because, for a
book that puts a minority group member in via PC-dictations, from
what I gather, it's all done very superficially to boot: the
character of Ryan Choi is an immigrant from China, but, does he have
anything to say about how the Communists still running China have
ruined the country, especially with the one-child policy they first
dictated in the 1950s? The one-child law is surely the single most
obscene thing about their Communist/socialist dictations, and if
Ryan Choi doesn't even decry how it's ruining a once-great country,
and may have even made an only child out of him too, if he is, then
how can anyone call him a hero? China's communism is a subject
that's definitely worth tackling today, which could help revive the
"human interest" stories that were first a staple of the late
60s-early 70s and then returned during the 80s.
I guess that's one of a few things I find extremely bothersome
besides forcibly putting minority group members into the roles first
occupied by white everypeople, because anything they do as
minorities is superficially written, certainly now. The black
Firestorm could've fought against anti-white racism, but did not,
and the Mexican-American Blue Beetle could've discussed how
horrified he was at the way Mexico is being run by corrupt
politicians who've encouraged illegal immigration into the US and
tolerated any crime that came with it, but probably no such thing
But I guess I should stop there. Let me try and get back now to
saying some more about SOTA.
The TPB every true DC fan should
I want to let everyone reading this entry know: there is nothing
pretentious about this book. Don't let any of those hatemongers
who're trying to distort the details as weirdly as they are, mislead
you about it. This is one of the most finely crafted books I've
read, that doesn't wallow in tawdry, juvenile cynicism and nastiness
that comics of recent have been gravely injured by, nor does it
value style over substance. And you know something, I challenge
anyone else reading this to write a review/synopsis of SOTA that's
as honest and informative as what I've gone to such pains to write
up here myself, that doesn't base its judgement upon the newer
material that came years afterwards and that's respectable of all
players involved.
If there were one trade paperback you could buy this
year/month/week, I'd strongly recommend that it be Sword of the
Atom. If I had a choice between this and the "All-New" one, I'd
choose SOTA. If you've got money that you're thinking of spending on
the All-New Atom, take my advice, save it for buying SOTA with.
And if I haven't said so before, let me say so now: DC, you messed
things up for the Atom as well as the Elongated Man, and also for
their wives. I call upon you: fix
that damage. And I encourage others to join my call as
The Sword of the Atom TPB,
if you ask me, is also what all who agree that DC's actions of
recent were wrong and unfair should be buying to show their
solidarity with Ray Palmer and all the other characters of his
little world. It's also a good way of sending a message about what
you really uphold, which is the direction set in SOTA. So if I may, let me
encourage everyone: make this a priority purchase of yours for this
season. Go to Barnes
and Noble, Waldenbooks, Amazon, Borders and any other good
bookseller to look for and buy a copy. Send sales for this trade paperback spiraling through the
The SOTA trade paperback is one I'm most glad to have sitting
proudly on my bookshelf of trade paperbacks. And, with a little
work, I'm sure it can be yours too. It is a fine work of art that
represents some of the best comic book writings of the 1980s.
Copyright 2009 Avi Green. All rights reserved.