Short biographies for some of
the other superheroes who've helped out the Hawks on their many
adventures, plus the teams they've worked on.

The Atom 2
Real name: Ray Palmer
Known relatives: Jean Loring-Palmer (ex-wife), Mr. Palmer
(father, deceased), Mary Palmer (mother, deceased)
First appearance: Showcase
#34, September/October 1961
Occupation: adventurer, college scientist/professor/lecturer
Hair color: brown
Eye color: green (?)
Residential area: Ivy Town, Connecticut
Research scientist Ray Palmer discovered a white-dwarf
meteorite star from which he was able to draw matter that he
used to create a belt that could enable the wearer to shrink
to microscopic size and alter his body mass at will. He also
developed options that could help to shift his weight and
provide him with impact strength whenever he was in his tiny
form. He could also shrink other objects in size too, though
they tended to explode after an hour. He became the Atom, the
World's Smallest Superhero, and a famous member of the Justice
League of America, making a name for himself in undercover and
espionage work, and has been a good friend of Hawkman's for
many years. Plus, he also helped out Zatanna, who'd made her
debut in Hawkman's book from the Silver Age, to find her
father Zatara.
Ray later married girlfriend Jean Loring, but years later,
their marriage encountered a rocky road, and they divorced,
during which time he retired from the role of the Atom, taking
to living in the jungles of South America with the princess
(Laethawaen) of a tribe of tiny aliens called Katarthans.
During this time, he decided to reveal his secret identity to
the world through a biography published by an old pal of his,
Norman Brawler. At one point, when Jean Loring was
accidentally shrunk by one of his own patents, and kidnapped
and held hostage by some of the rotten apple factions of the
Katarthans (they had both good and bad factions at war with
each other) while looking for Ray to help her fix the problem
in South America, Ray gave Paul Hoben, her second husband, a
size-weight control belt which he could use to help out in
rescuing her. Paul kept ownership of the belt until it was
stolen by Adam Cray, a government official who worked with the
Suicide Squad, which he used to become the third Atom, until
he was killed by a shrunken villain who thought he was really
Ray returned to civilization after the tribe he lived with was
slaughtered by a firebomb attack on the jungle by a gang of
villains around the time of the Invasion crossover of 1989. An old friend of
his who worked for the CIA, Don Brice, tried to warn him but
was murdered after bringing him the information. As Ray
discovered, it was part of a ploy to get the Atom to work for
CIA, and after uncovering secret documents that pointed it
out, he devised a plan to punish those responsible. He built a
special shrinking ray that he then used to battle and shrink
each of the villains (Mr. Bailey, Ms. Hubbard, Ginsburg,
Blacksnake, and Sting) until he had reduced them all to six
inches tall. He then turned the tiny people over to his
friends and destroyed the ray, effectively trapping them at
that height. He then told the director of the CIA what had
happened and was thanked for his actions. The plan had been to
recruit Ray as a miniature spy and with his actions he had
just given him a whole 'micro-squad' of spies. Ray chose to
split and stay out of the public eye, leaving many wondering
if he would ever be seen again.
Ray continued to be pursued by the tiny group, now calling
themselves the Micro/Squad. For a time, he ended up trying to
take up a new civilian identity for himself, as he tried to
expose more of the villains pursuing him, but later slowly
returned to being more public again about his identity.
When the former Hawk, who'd become the time-manipulating
villain Extant, de-aged Palmer to 17 years old (and caused the
death of the Golden Age Atom, Al Pratt, during the Zero Hour
crossover of 1994), Ray took to leading a new lineup of Teen
Titans in this form. Eventually, he was restored to his normal
age, and went into semi-retirement fropm being a superhero,
taking some time to concentrate on his job as a university
professor and college lecturer, in which capacity he served as
an advisor to Firestorm and the JLA.
Jean Loring
First appearance: Showcase #34,
September/October 1961
Known relatives: Ray Palmer (ex-husband), Prof.
Loring (father, possibly deceased), Jimmy Loring (nephew),
Freddy Loring (nephew)
Occupation: lawyer
Hair color: black
Eye color: blue
Residential area: Ivy
Town, Connecticut
Jean Loring was a successful lawyer who married Ray Palmer,
the Atom. Once, she was kidnapped by a sub-atomic race called
the Jimberin, who thought her a descendant of an ancient queen
of theirs, and used a radiation device to brainwash her and
drive her to insanity so that they could make her their puppet
queen. Luckily, both the Atom and Hawkman were able to rescue
her, and cured her of the insanity-like state of mind the
Jimberin caused her soon afterwards. She later went on another
adventure with together with her husband in Sword of the Atom in the
mid-1980's, after being accidentally shrunk by one of his
technological devices in their old house and needed his help
in fixing the problem.
Sadly, the pressures of their disparate careers meant that
their marriage didn't work out. Although divorced, the two
have remained in contact and are, if not friends, then at
least non-hostile acquaintances. Jean later married Paul Hoben,
another lawyer who worked at the same firm as she did, though
they too may have broken up years later.
First appearance: The Atom #12, April-May 1964
Known relatives: ?
Occupation: physics researcher
Hair color: brown
Eye color: hazel
Residential area: formerly Rome, Italy, then Ivy Town,
An exchange student from Italy, she was a student in
physics, inspired by the work of the famous scientist Enrico
Fermi, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1938. She became a lab
assistant to Ray Palmer at the Ivy U. upon her move to the
USA. She was good friends with him and Jean for many years.
She later got married and left Ivy Town.
Paul Hoben
First appearance: Sword of
the Atom #1, September 1983
Known relatives: Jean Loring-Hoben (ex-wife)
Occupation: lawyer
Hair color: brown
Eye color: ?
Residential area: Ivy Town, Connecticut
Paul Hoben was a lawyer in the same firm as Jean
Loring-Palmer, former wife of Ray Palmer (a.k.a. the Atom II).
After Ray caught Jean having an affair with Paul, they ended
up having a divorce, and Jean married Paul with Ray's
blessing. Jean and Paul continued to be part of Ray's life,
though, and Paul was actually given the Atom's original
size/weight control belt during the time when Ray lived
permanently in a micro-sized society in the Amazonas. Paul's
belt was later stolen by Suicide Squad agent Adam Cray, who
used it to become the third Atom. Jean and Paul may have later
parted ways, at least professionally.
Green Arrow
Real name: Oliver Queen
Known relatives: Connor Hawke (illegitimate son)
First appearance: More Fun
Comics #73, November 1941
Occupation: adventurer, social company owner
Hair color: blond
Eye color: brown
Residential area: Star City, Washington State
Oliver Queen was a young millionaire and businessman who fell
overboard on a cruise at sea, and ended up in a Robinson
Crusoe-ish situation when washed up on a deserted island where
he learned how to survive by using a bow and arrow.
Eventually, he escaped from the island by overpowering some
drug smugglers who were making their headquarters there, and
handed them over to the authorities. Changed by his
experiences, he decided to help out society in as exciting a
way as possible, by becoming the crimefighter Green Arrow,
using his skills in archery for the cause of good. He took on
a sidekick, Speedy, alias Roy Harper, who was also his ward,
and who today has changed his name to Arsenal.
Queen later lost a lot of his fortune and had to go live in
the poorer neighborhoods of Star City, sometimes teaming up
with Silver Age Green Lantern Hal Jordan, and fell in love
with the second Black Canary, Dinah Laurel Lance.
But he was unable to settle down for long, and even after
trying to run a florist shop with Dinah, who'd been trying to
manage a business similar to what her mother, the first BC,
Dinah Drake Lance, owned in her time, he still couldn't still
for long, and set off on a cross country journey, and in issue
#100 of his series' first volume, he was seemingly killed in a
plane bombing, after which his illegitimate son, Connor Hawke,
took over the role for a time. But a few years later, he was
found alive, safe and sound, apparently having used technology
borrowed from the Atom that he was able to use to shrink
himself out of harm's way, and returned to living in Star
City, where he also managed to regain some of the fortune he
lost years before, and opened up a special center for helping
troubled youth.
In the 5th-6th issues of Hawkman's fourth volume, Green Arrow
travelled to the St. Roch area searching for the Black Spider,
a crooked archer who'd been trying to impersonate him while
carrying out an assassnation contract against a handful of
businessmen in the area.
Black Canary 2
Real name: Dinah Laurel Lance
Known relatives: Dinah Drake Lance (mother, deceased), Larry
Lance (father, deceased)
First appearance: Justice
League of America #75, October 1969
Occupation: adventuress, florist, former fashion designer and
Hair color: black (originally, she wore a blonde wig when in
costume, later, she dyed her hair blonde instead)
Eye color: blue
Residential area: Gotham City, northern USA, formerly Star
City, Washington State
Dinah Laurel Lance, daughter of the original Black Canary,
Dinah Drake Lance, grew up surrounded by the superheroes of
the Justice Society, and was determined to follow in their
footsteps. Her parents were against this, but fate played a
hand in helping her achieve her wish, when she discovered that
she had a meta-gene within her, that may have been caused by
an effect of Alan Scott's power ring that affected the first
Black Canary, that gave her the ability to emit a devastating
sonic scream that could bowl over crooks and shatter walls
with its sound vibrations. Armed with this power, and the
extensive martial arts training of Ted Grant, the JSA's
Wildcat, she launched her superheroic career taking up her
mother's mantle, and joined the Justice League where she
romanced Green Arrow/Oliver Queen.
Dinah continued her career in the League for many years, until
one of the Green Arrow's enemies, a drug cartel leader,
tortured her and damaged her vocal chords, robbing her of her
sonic scream ability. A few years later, Dinah and Oliver
parted ways, and she took up a path of her own in
crimefighting, usually investigating street level crime. She
was later recruited by the former Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, for
managing undercover missions worldwide, something that Dinah
enjoys just as much as working domestically, and the two are
now known as the Birds of Prey in the DCU.
Following the death of the former Sandman, Wesley Dodds, she
fulfilled her dream of joining the regrouped JSA, and began a
romance with the new Dr. Mid-Nite, Pieter Cross. However, when
Green Arrow resurfaced again after having been thought dead,
she took a leave of absence from the team to meet him again.
Adam Strange
Known relatives: Alanna Strange (wife), Sardath
(father-in-law), Aleea Strange (daughter)
First appearance: Showcase #17, November 1958
Occupation: archeologist, intergalactic adventurer
Hair color: blond
Eye color: brown
Residential area: both planet Rann and planet Earth
While travelling in Peru, archeologist Strange was suddenly
teleported from Earth to the fictional planet Rann through a
"Zeta-Beam". Upon his arrival, he is attacked by one of the
planet's predators and rescued by a humanoid woman called
Alanna. She takes him to her father Sardath, who explains that
the Zeta-Beam was transmitted at Earth in the hopes that
whatever form of intelligent life lived there would trace it
back to Rann, and theorizes that in the 4.3 years it takes the
Zeta-Beam to reach earth, it was altered by space radiation
into a transportation beam. Called on to protect the planet
from extraterrestrial threats using Rann's technology, Strange
grew to care for the planet and its inhabitants, especially
Alanna. Eventually, the effects of the beam wore off,
automatically returning Strange to Earth at the exact point of
departure, but not before Sardath had given him a schedule of
beam firings allowing him to periodically return to the
planet. Using mathematical calculations, he was able to
determine the exact time and locations the Zeta-Beams would
arrive at. He travels the world and intercepts them, to defend
Rann and be with Alanna.
In later years, Adam and company managed to rework the effects
of the Zeta-rays so he could remain on Rann permanently
without having to worry about the effects wearing off. He
married Alanna and together they raised a daughter, Aleea.
Alanna Strange
Known relatives: Adam Strange (husband), Sardath (father),
Aleea Strange (daughter)
First appearance: Showcase #17, November 1958
Occupation: intergalactic adventuress, scientist
Hair color: blue (?)
Eye color: blue
Residential area: planet Rann
Alanna is the daughter of leading Rannian scientist Sardath,
he who invented the Zeta-Beam that transported her husband
Adam Strange to her native planet. Together, they had plenty
of fantastic adventures in her native galaxy, which was also
where the planet Thanagar, homeworld of the Silver Age Hawks,
was located.
While there were stories where Adam had to save her from
danger, she proved equally effective in coming to his rescue
too, and an expert astronaut/jetpack flyer. They would later
marry, and raised a daughter, Aleea.
Real name: John Zatara
Known relatives: Sindella (wife, deceased), Zatanna (daughter)
First appearance: Action
Comics #1, June 1938
Death: Swamp Thing #50 Vol
2, July 1986
Occupation: adventurer, stage magician
Hair color: black
Eye color: blue
Residential area: midwestern USA
While he may normally seem to be just a simple stage magician,
John Zatara actually had a gift for the use of true magic, and
encouraged by Dr. Occult he used his magical abilities as a
mystery man during the WW2 period. He later met and married a
woman named Sindella of the Homo Magi, and their daughter
Zatanna received an inheritance of even greater power than
Zatara's own.
Zatara went missing for quite awhile when Zatanna was in her
early 20's, after an adversary he'd been dealing with put a
curse upon him that would surely bring disaster if he
contacted her, but was thankfully rescued with the help of the
Justice League of America and reunited with Zatanna, during
which time he went into retirement.
Eventually, he sacrificed his life to save his daughter while
they were both fighting against the terrible mystical
repercussions of the Crisis
on Infinite Earths. But he's reappeared a few times
as a ghost, to aid his lovely daughter and some of the other
superheroes of the DCU.
Real name: Zatanna Zatara
Known relatives: Zatara (father, deceased), Sindella (mother,
First appearance: Hawkman
#4 Vol 1, October 1964
Occupation: adventuress, stage magician
Hair color: black
Eye color: blue
Residential area:
midwestern USA
With magical hero Zatara for a father and Sindella of the Homo
Magi for a mother, it was inevitable that Zatanna inherit
great control over magic, which she went on to use both as a
stage magician and as a member of the Justice League of
America, who were quite helpful in rescuing her father from
the curse of an adversary he'd been dealing with. She often
focuses her abilities by speaking the words of her spells
backwards, though she later learnt that vocally, this isn't
actually necessary. Thanks to her continued practice in magic,
she also learned how to be able to keep herself young and
lovely for many years to come. She later enjoyed a romance
with a bartender named Eric, and while she hasn't been as
active with the JLA in recent years as she has before, she's
still teamed up with them on occasion as an honorary guest
member. Besides magic, she's also practiced judo, and is
pretty good at that skill too.
And next to the Black Canary, she's by far one of the hottest
women in fishnet stockings, both on the performance stage and
in the superhero business!
Real name: Sindella
Known relatives: Zatara (husband, deceased), Zatanna
First appearance: Justice League of America #164,
March 1979 (it's also her only appearance, as far as I know)
Occupation: magician
Hair color: ?
Eye color: ?
Residential area: ?
The late wife of the also late magician John Zatara and the
mother of Zatanna, Sindella was also a member of the
mystically-gifted race of Homo Magi, who passed on her fashion
sense to Zatanna (mystically giving her a new costume) and
then died to save her.
Golden Eagle
Real name: Charles Edmund Parker
Known relatives: ?
First appearance: Justice
League of America #116, March-April 1975
Occupation: adventurer, resturant worker
Hair color: blond (formerly brown)
Eye color: brown
Residential area: Malibu, California, formerly Midway City,
An orphan from California, Parker idolized Hawkman as a
superhero during his teen years. He gained his powers quite by
accident, when the Matter Master tried to use his Mentachem
Rod to come up with a "new" Hawkman to exact revenge upon his
own foe. Following Parker's help on the resulting JLA case,
Hawkman gave him a helmet and a set of wings of his own.*
Later, Parker had some modifications made to his powers. While
he had some initial success as a superhero in his native
state, having rescued a family of campers from a forest fire,
he diminished his image by making it seem as if he was more
interested in money than in true fame. He joined up mainly
with Titans West during the time that Mr. Esper was menacing
California, and served there until its disbandment.
Except for his superhero career with the Titans, he seemed
unable to hold a steady job, working mainly in resturants in
and around Malibu, and was seen at the wedding of Donna
(Wonder Girl) Troy and Terry Long in New York City.
He murdered by the second Wildebeest, Jericho, who had gone
insane, during a meeting with Aqualad in Long Island, NY (in New Titans #72 Vol 2,
January 1991), while trying to defend his fellow Titan from
the villain who took his life. He may have had some flaws,
being the beach-bum/surfer he was, but he died a true hero in
the end.
* Post-Crisis, this connection
may have been done away with for a certain period of time, and
Parker was reinvented as a simpler beach-bum/surfer character
whose exact origin was mostly kept under wraps.
Real name: Norda Cantrell
First appearance: All-Star Squadron #25, September
Occupation: high priest
Hair color: yellow
Eye color: ?
Residential area: California (?), Gotham City
Norda is the hybrid child of human Dr. Fred Cantrell and
Feitheran Osoro. Dr. Cantrell is one of the only living humans
aware of Feithera's existence, and a friend of Hawkman I. At
Norda's birth Hawkman and Hawkgirl I became his godparents,
and his Feittheran grandfather Worla blessed him with the
magic of the god Thoth. Growing up Norda felt unaccepted in
Feithera as a half-breed and sought human civilization. He
soon found his human grandmother on her death bed, and she
mistook him for an angel. He next attempted to contact his
godparents, but was accidentally shot. Hawkman and Hawkgirl
nursed him back to health, which led to resentment from their
son Hector Hall, who thought they favored Norda over himself.
Nevertheless, when Hector became the Silver Scarab and formed
Infinity, Inc. he accepted Norda as a charter member dubbed
During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Feithera was destroyed
and most of the inhabitants were killed. Northwind returned to
the survivors to help them relocate. Since helping to
establish New Feithera, Northwind has rarely left his people.
When Silver Scarab turned against the Infinitors, Northwind
helped defeat him, but returned to New Feithera soon after to
serve as its' permanent protector.
Weng Chan
First Appearance: Military
Comics #3, October 1941 (from Quality Comics)
Current version: Blackhawk
#1 Vol. 2, 1987
Residential area: San Francisco, California, formerly Hong
Kong, China
Born in Hong Kong, Weng Chan moved with his family to San
Francisco in the early 1930s. During World War II, he
distinguished himself as a pilot and member of the famous
Blackhawks squadron. Chan continued to serve with the team on
and off until the 1970s. He is still alive and currently
active as Chairman of the Board of Blackhawk Express. As such,
he has worked together with the Thanagarian Hawkman, Katar
Hol, against Killer Shark.
Copyright Avi Green. All rights reserved.